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Without the Light

Once Indigo was received the patterns that emerged from movement showed there was missing parts having no awareness of their connection to me. My denied light got to these parts staying with them all of this time. It is difficult to get denied light off of any part of Mother. It has proven to be far more difficult when the part is without something in my light to connect to. Without these parts Creation will continue to deny key places in the Will's experience that need to move if the experience of death is to heal. There can be movement in Creation in the experience of death, only without movement in these parts there is less movement than is needed to end it. I have intent now to bring movement to these parts with or without their ability to know what they are. Creation cannot continue on the path it is on. The reality of the experience of the Will is far worse than is is being felt. I bear some responsibility in this because I had movement that I needed that wasn't happening because I denied these parts in equal measure to denied light. I was unable to move without more movement in Mother. There is movement in these places now but not where there is denied light cutting me off from these parts. These parts have known only denial They have been told that what they are holding is denial of me and my light. They have been told that they are holding onto denial when they are in fact holding being denied as their first and only experience. I did not think this part of Mother existed. I thought Mother as I knew her existed. not Mother as I didn't know her. I denied existence of Mother where she experienced My denied light which was there all along the way of My becoming conscious. I denied these parts that never reached because they were going unconscious in their experience of nothing. Many of these parts believe their right place is in nothing. That they are supposed to be unconscious. Any reach on their part has been met with denial and death. They have denied themselves as much as possible and still exist. I did not think it was possible for beings to exist in such denial of themselves but these parts existed because their desire for me and my light was unconscious. The unconsciousness in their desire has given them repeated experiences of denied light telling them they cannot exist. Their denial has been the cause of the denial of Mother in Creation. I have reached part of these denied Mother parts enough to speak to to the experience of Mother holding denied light. As I denied these parts, Mother did as well. She was unaware of what was held in her own unconsciousness. These places began to move without her knowing that they were her. She denied them as quickly as I did because she was unable to feel so denied. These parts have been told that they hold denied light as a way to deny Mother. It has been through movement that I have seen it is the other way around. Mother has been holding denied light to deny them as a part of herself. These parts had nothing in their consciousness to experience themselves in connection to anything but denial. These parts deny themselves in response to being denied.

I have denied parts of myself who also have had no conscious memory of being my light. These parts have experienced themselves in relationship with Mother without being conscious the Mother they were in relationship with was denied, so they experienced themselves as being denied also. These parts believe they have no desire. Until they realized they were attached to their existence they left the Mother parts they denied in unconsciousness. These parts have become aware and are trying to move. I have known the denied parts of Mother through their movement. The denied parts of Mother were with them all along.unconscious and unmoving. I used these parts of my denial to bring about shifts in the patterns of domination of denied light on Earth. I didn't know that denied light was in the parts I used and it was controlling these parts to such a extent that nothing I tried seemed to work. I was not aware of how much denied light had of Mother. This part of Mother had no consciousness to let me know she was there. The part that did become conscious came forward in an unconscious desire for my light. She was destroyed so completely that she went unconscious for a very long time. When she went unconscious the part of my light that is her mate went unconscious as well. There was no knowing on my part that this was happening. What I see now is as long as denied light has control over these parts of Mother it has control over My Light. These denied parts of Mother have been seeking light with all their Will. They can only be met with denied light. For as long as denied light controls My light I cannot reach these denied parts of Mother.

I need Mother to move feelings in response to my denial of Her plight. Along the way feelings of rage and terror need movement to a far greater extent than I thought possible . These feelings are holding self hatred in far greater amounts than I believed could be held by a being. These feelings need movement in whatever form necessary to give them release. I need to be present for the time there is intent to release these feelings There needs to move feelings that have been denied for as long as feelings have existed . They are the most denied feelings on Earth. To find release for these feelings has been most of the problem. They do not express except in denied ways that have been judged against as being in denial of My Light . It has taken a long time for movement in these denied Mother parts to find any acceptance in My light . It is only now understood that the way of moving in these Mother parts was the only way to reach denied Body. The parts of Body denied by denied light are unable to stay conscious with these parts of denied Mother . They have only denied parts of me as their light. They are in denial so great that they have no connection to their body in the places where they are holding denied light. I need movement in my denied parts of my light in order to reach these these denied parts of Body. To get denied parts of my light to move I have had to give parts of My Light to the denied parts of my light then bring both to denied parts of my body. It does make the denied parts of Mother vibrate feelings of being denied by My light These denied parts of Mother must move feelings of rage and terror to receive My Light. For as long as they deny these feelings of being denied by me they will deny the light that is their Right Mate.

There are many parts of Mother who have felt denied by me who feel there is no Right Mate for them. They have felt denied by whatever they have been drawn to. They felt denied and have denied their Will in rage at me. There can be no movement in these places without movement in these denied parts of Mother. There was no acceptance for these denied parts in My Light. For there to be acceptance in these feelings there must be a realizing that only movement can bring. It took a long time for this realizing to occur in the denied part I have known. I am intending to reach denied parts of Mother with My Light that has acceptance for their movement . I cannot give this light to Mother where she has no acceptance for denied parts of herself. There is movement happening in denied parts of Mother but not where there is denied light telling Mother that there is no hope for it. I have seen there is a way to reach this part of Mother. And I intend to reach this part of Mother even if she doesn't know what she is . Feelings of self hate and self blame must move in response to My Light coming towards them. These feelings have been denied only in response to My denial of them.

In denied light there is hate for anything that vibrates in Mother. Anything in Mother that feels rage at the self is being attacked by denied light. Mother has had denied light attacking her feelings of being denied for as long as she has existed . She has tried to move these feelings of rage and terror and yet denied parts of Mother have been too denied to be able to move in response to Mother . These parts move in response to being denied by My Light. They believe they have no right place and so don't move towards anything that they feel vibration in response to. They are holding Will that has been denied so much that they believe they should be completely destroyed. They have existed all along in Mother in a state of denial. They have been moving without knowing they were moving and their movement has been the cause of death . The rest of Mother moves terror that there is only denial in response to her plight. There has been no way for me to reach these parts of denied Mother . Denied light has been where my light should be keeping denied parts of Mother away from the rest of Mother. Denied light is in Mother denying her vibration of self blame.

These denied parts need release in ways that have been judged as being self destructive. There is no other way to move denied light off these denied parts. It is necessary to ask for My Light when intent to release the feelings of self rage moves. There needs to be as much of My Light as possible present . There needs to be as much movement as can be done without damaging the biological body. There will be the desire to hit body. That is because the body holding denied parts of the Mother is unconscious and to release the feelings of pain it has to be released with the same force that put it in place. There will be desire to deny these feelings , there is no other way to release them except with very strong intent to remain present . These feelings have had no presence of My Light and will not release easily. There is no way to release them gently. There is no consciousness in these denied parts of body to receive light and it is necessary to use whatever force can release the pain they are holding It can be done with My Light present . This is the most denied part of my light and it has no way to connect to the Will except through the use of force equal to the force used to deny the Will it is holding .

The force used to deny the Will is greater than Body has been able to stay conscious with. These parts of body have believed they are without love. They have been without My Light for as long as they have existed. They have no ability to connect to their Wills. They have believed they are unable to reach their Right Mate. They have believed they are without light that would help them . They are the most denied parts in Creation. To reach them has required great force from My Light. Without movement in the denied parts of Mother these parts of Body will remain unconscious. These denied parts of Body are controlled by denied light. And they are in control of Mother's ability to be in a Body.

The situation is as dire as can exist and still be healed. If Mother does not release the pain of denied Mother there can be no way to reach these denied parts of Body. The situation is impossible to change without movement in the most denied parts of Body. It has seemed impossible to reach denied parts of body without damaging Mother. It is not possible to heal the denied parts of Body without denied Mother moving the most intense pain. I was not able to accept this movement without moving my own pain in response to this part of Mother. In moving my response I have learned that My Light was in denial of how much this part of denied Mother is key to the survival of the rest of Mother. This part of denied Mother is not the part that is holding denied light , it is the rest of Mother that is holding denied light and must receive My light so they are able to move. When Mother receives this part of denied Mother the part of My denied light that is her right Mate comes towards her. When this part of right Mate comes it will hold denied light. When this part of denied light comes it is going to hurt the part of Mother it is coming towards. By hurt I don't mean by it 's body presence, I mean by its not being in a biological form. This is not because there is no body presence. It is because denied light has control over whatever part of Body belongs with the part of My light that is coming. When this part of My Light comes it will hold denied light that will attack Mother , making her feel hate for her self .

There must be acceptance for parts of Mother holding feelings of self hate and blaming rage at my denied body. It has been difficult to get these feelings to move without damaging the biological body. It is with help from My light that that Mother has been able to move these feelings. These feelings are without My light so they are without awareness of anything but the nothingness that has been their only experience. For these feelings to have awareness of My light feelings of terror of going out of existence must move, feelings of pain of being without any hope or relief must move . These feelings will move if there is enough of an intent to stay present with them. In order to receive My light it is important that these feelings move as much as can be felt and not go into the gap. When there is enough movement there will be feelings of acceptance instead terror. It is only then that My Light can come and heal the pain. It will seem that My Light is not there that is because there was no light at all for these feelings. Their first experience of light was denied light that hated them and told them there was nothing else.

As the part of my light comes towards the part of Mother It will cause this part of denied Mother to vibrate and this will cause this part of the Mother to move. When these feelings move it will feel as if there is no light .there. It will seem as though there is nothing and there was no experience of My Light. I cannot give this part of my light to this part of Mother unless she moves the pain rage and terror of nothing being there . There is a huge amount of pain rage and terror that needs movement in these parts of Mother and it is going to feel that there is no hope. I cannot tell the Mother how to how to release the pain of this part of Mother but without Mother moving these denied parts of Mother I cannot bring My Light to her. If she does not move when My Light comes it will cause her to feel as though she is without help. The denied part of my light will come even if this part of Mother does not know she is Mother . She will feel pain rage and terror that she will not know the cause of. I do not know how how else to do this . I would prefer that there is some conscious connection to My Light before it comes to this part of Mother. It will be difficult enough to move these feelings without help from Mother. I have terror that I will not be able to reach as much as I need to to end the experience of death.

Scenarios of end of the world are images of what the part of Mother is feeling as she vibrates more in response to the part of My light coming towards her . These feelings are moving whether this part of Mother knows who she is or not. I cannot give My Light to Mother where she will not move the feelings of pain rage and terror are being denied by denied light . I cannot give My light where there is denied light and not cause damage to the Mother . There has been damage caused by My doing this already. There has been confusion in Mother where denied light had attacked Mother In response to My Light coming closer. I do not want to cause damage to Mother. It has been very painful for me to watch Mother being damaged when all she wants is My Light . I have had rage at her not knowing I am trying to reach her. But she has had no idea of My pain until she has moved her own . I have have been in terror of how much pain there is to move in us and have been in terror of how much denied light is in the Mother keeping her from moving the part of Mother that needs to release the pain rage and terror of being denied .

There has been movement in both My Light and the part of Mother that has been denied , but in places where there is denied light there is no movement and only pain as a result. The amount of pain is far greater that I believed was there. When it began to move the result was a great earth quake that caused the movement of a great amount of the ocean to move with such speed and force it hit the Earth with its own force. It hit with such force that it caused the death of many spirits . When these feelings begin to move in the part of Mother that has been denied there will be more earth movement and more movement of ocean water with great speed and force. Causing death for many spirits. The movement of this part of Mother is so forceful because the amount of force used to deny her has been so great as to cause her to be unconscious. The more unconscious she is when she moves the greater the amount of force will hit earth and cause death of spirits . If there is not more consciousness in this part of Mother when she moves there will be great movement of earth and ocean. There is no other way for this part of Mother release the pain in denied Body. I have reached denied Body with this force and it has caused pain so great it has made him go unconscious . When he goes unconscious it is difficult for him to get the light he needs to connect to the denied part of Mother and help her be in Body. If this part of Mother is not in Body there is no way for My light to reach her. Without being able to each this part of Mother there is no way My light can reach the rest of Mother . Without My light reaching Mother there will be no survival in Creation. There has been movement in denied parts of Mother so that there can be Mother that can be reached by My light , but without movement in more places of denied Mother not enough of Mother can move to get denied light off denied Body to heal death. I would greatly prefer that death move and heal rather than denied parts of Mother moving with so much force that it causes death. And suffering so great that causes unconsciousness. More unconsciousness in the Will cannot be tolerated. It will surface one way or another. It will be very painful for spirits feel what is held in the Will when it is denied so heavily it is causing death. The cause of death is because there is no consciousness in the parts of Mother that are holding the experience of being denied by my denied light, and when these parts move they have no light and they have no Body connection. They are without anything but the experience of nothing. Because that is their only experience they only give reflections of nothingness. Because of this they can not be connected to by Body. In order for Body to connect to these places in denied parts of Mother, Mother has to move the places where she has felt there is nothing . The experience of nothing has been the the most difficult experience Mother has had to have, yet there is no part of Mother that isn't holding it. Without movement in Denied Mother there is no way to heal the experience of nothing. Without healing the experience of nothing Mother cannot have experience of Right Mate, even if there is experience of Mate there will be the experience of nothing. It will seem that there is no Right Mate for Mother as long as there is denied light hating Mother's experience of nothing. There will be denied light hating Mother's experience of nothing for as long as there is denial of the part of Mother holding the experience of nothing. Without movement in Mother , movement in Denied Mother will cause the experience of nothing to be all Mother experiences.

There is much rage and terror that needs movement in Mother that there is little if any of My Light there for her. That is because there is very little acceptance for denied Mother. Denied Mother has been moving anyway.and has felt there is no acceptance for what she is holding . That is because I had no acceptance for what she was holding , yet she was being made to feel the experience of nothing by the light I was giving the rest of Mother. The movement in Denied Mother has given her the reflection that she is without right place. She has right place in My light with the rest of Mother yet she has not had enough consciousness to know it. Denied Mother has been in the most dark experiences on Earth. Whatever part of Mother experiences torture and death there was Denied Mother holding the experience of nothing. There can be no healing of the experience of death in Mother without moving the experience of nothing, yet there there is no vibration in these parts of Denied Mother. To get Denied Mother parts to vibrate I have had to get My denied parts to come closer to Mother . And then they cause Denied Mother to move and this causes Mother to experience what Denied Mother is experiencing. Nothing will seem to be there that can reach Denied Mother, because she cannot give the reflection of something being there when she is holding the experience of nothing. The only way Denied Mother can experience something being there is through movement of the pain rage and terror. held in the experience of nothing.

There needs to be Mother there for there to be Body. Without Mother there is only denied Body. Denied Body is without My light, and is the denied part of my light that has control over Mother's ability to be in Body. Denied Body has no way of connecting to Mother without connecting to My light. Denied Body cannot connect to My light without denied light being moved back. In order to move denied light back I have be close to Denied Mother so I can use My light to move denied light back. . Denied Body can connect to denied parts of my light if denied light is moved back. When denied light is moved back there can be movement in Denied parts of my light and then then there can be connection to Denied Mother in Denied Body. Once there is connection between Denied Body and Denied Mother there can be Mother that can be reached by My light.

Only Denied Body can reach Denied Mother. Because there is no form in the experience of nothing it will seem there is nothing that can be seen or touched. Only Denied Mother can feel Denied Body and she will believe there is nothing there. That is because she is vibrating the experience of Nothing and there is no form in that experience. She will believe she is being denied because denied light will tell her that there is nothing there. There has been nothing there for as long as Denied Mother been conscious. For her to feel there is something there she must move a tremendous amount of pain rage and terror and be able to receive her Will. It has been difficult for Denied Mother to receive her Will because it isn't vibrating. It isn't vibrating because it was denied heavily by my denied light. My denied light was intent on proving to to Denied Mother's will that there was nothing there . Denied Mother's Will is holding the experience of denied light telling it there is nothing and never will be. Denied Mother is only holding the experience of nothing in her Will. , so there is only nothing given in her reflection. It is painful for the Will to move the feelings of pain rage and terror vibrating in response to My light coming towards Denied Mother. It is more difficult than I believed . There is little option for Mother than to move. Denied Mother will vibrate in response to My light coming towards her. Her vibration is holding the experience of death. Death is the experience of being denied by My light and Denied Mother is holding only the experience of being denied by My denied light. Her vibration will cause death of many spirits. If Denied Mother vibrates with nothing there without my light coming towards her death is the result.

For so long it has been believed that there was only Mother present in the void, It has not been understood that there was something else there that is only now able to vibrate enough for me know what she experienced . Without knowing what was her experience I believed she was a different part of Mother that was holding denial of My light. She is the part of Mother that is holding being denied by Me. She had no way to know that she was holding denied light. There has been no way to know denied light was there with her because there is no light in denied light. When my light went towards denied light it didn't respond, It only responds when it responds to the Will's vibration with hate. There was only the experience of being denied by denied light in Denied Mother, and the experience of this caused her to go unconscious.

When part of My light came towards the part of Mother holding Denied Mother it vibrated and experienced being denied by My light. I believed that this part of Mother was in denial of Me and My light. The part of My light that reached the part of Mother that is holding Denied Mother was in terror of denied Mother's pain. This part of My light felt Denied Mother wasn't in the part of Mother that I knew. This part of My light denied the part of Mother that is holding Denied Mother in the beginning. The part of Mother this part of My light was reaching denied Denied Mother also. It was believed by My light that the part of Mother that was holding Denied Mother was in denial of My light and was denying it. I believed that this part of Mother didn't respond to My light because she was in denial of the part of My light that came towards her. I didn't feel what this part of Mother was moving, so I denied her experience. and I felt denied by her movement. I felt this part of Mother denied that there was My light coming towards her, and felt anger that she had so much pain rage and terror in response to me. I felt there wasn't a part of My light that could reach her. I was denying part of My light by not moving in response to her, and I didn't know this part of My light was feeling her . This part of My light had felt the denied pain in this part of Mother and wanted to move towards it. This part of my light wanted to feel this part of mother because it felt denied by me. This part of My light went towards this part of Mother and felt it reached her. This part of My light was in My light and was experiencing her pain rage and terror, and I felt it.

There was no way for this part of My light to reach this part of Mother except through her Will. There was no Form there to reach her with. There was no form because I had no form when I denied this part of Mother. To give the part of My light that could reach this part of Mother Form I had to use Denied Body. This part of Denied Body had no consciousness Of My light. When the part of My light that could reach Denied Mother reached Denied Body it was denied by denied light . This part of My light was forced to leave Denied Body because the denial from denied light was causing this part of My light to go unconscious.

When this part of My light went unconscious denied light was all that Denied Body and Denied Mother had, so that they felt denied by My light. There was no way for this part of My light to reach Denied body until My Light pushed denied light off of him. When I pushed denied light off of denied Body it went out and used denied light in essence to attack Denied Mother. To get denied light off of this essence I have had to use my movement in My light to put denied light in its right place.

Right place for denied light is where it was denied in parts of My light in denial of Denied Mother. Movement of denied light to its right place is causing denied parts of My light to feel Denied Mother . Once denied light is in its right place it is no longer denied. Without moving denied light to its right place, it cannot be known by the parts of My light that denied it. Without knowing what is in denied light, parts of My light have no knowing of their responsibility for Denied Mother. Many parts of my light have denied light they are denying and they are denying that they are part of My Light. When denied light is moved towards them they feel denied by me. When denied light is moved towards them it is light that gives them the experience of the part of Denied Mother they have been denying. When they experience the parts of Denied Mother they have been denying they feel Denied Mother is not the part of Mother they feel is their responsibility. They feel hate towards Denied Mother for giving them the reflection that they are not in existence. For denied parts of my light to exist they must reach the parts of Denied Mother they have been denying and feel what she has been holding. The parts of my light that are reaching Denied Mother are moving the parts of denied Body towards the parts of denied Mother they belong to. When Denied Body moves towards Denied Mother My light is reaching denied Body through Denied parts of my light, making them feel Mother. Denied Body can become form once he feels Mother. There is only form where there is Mother present. When Denied Body feels Mother he becomes Body. There can be no form where there is only Denied Mother. There must be acceptance for Denied Mother in Mother for Denied Body to have form. Denied Body has no consciousness in him, he is without desire or form, his light is only denied light . There is no way to reach him until denied light is pushed back, then the part of My light that comes to denied Body can give body the light it needs to feel Mother . In denied Mother there is only the experience nothing. Denied Mother cannot give the reflection something being there in form. In order for Denied Mother give a reflection of something being there she must be accepted by Mother . There is acceptance for Denied Mother in Mother in places where she has moved the experience of nothing being there, but not enough to heal Death. Mother must move the pain rage and terror of feeling denied by me to get denied light off of Denied Mother enough to heal death. To move denied light off of Mother. My light must bring the denied parts of my light towards the parts of Denied Mother that they denied . This will make Denied Mother vibrate and make Mother feel her experience of of nothing being there. There must be acceptance in Mother for the pain rage and terror in Denied Mother that vibrates in response to nothing being there. The amount of pain rage and terror in the part of Denied Mother that vibrates in response to denied parts of my light coming closer will be huge, but there is no other way to get Right Mate to Mother. There will be nothing there that Mother can see or experience externally, she can only experience denied parts of My light internally with Denied Mother. There can be no form where there is only Denied Mother. There needs to be acceptance by Mother for Denied Mother for Mother's Right Mate to have form. There has been experience of mate for Mother where there is acceptance for her Will, there has been been experience of mate for Mother where there has been acceptance by My Light. Where there has not been acceptance for Mother there has been Denied Mother . My light can reach Mother in the places she has accepted her Will, but My light cannot reach Mother where she does not accept her Will. Mother has had denied light denying her experience of nothing, The only part of Mother who felt the experience of nothing is Denied Mother. To reach Mother with the experience of nothing My light is moving closer to Mother making Denied Mother vibrate. There must be acceptance for the experience of Denied Mother to move Denied Light off of Mother. To get denied light off of Mother my light moves denied parts of my light towards Denied Mother, vibrating her experience of nothing, and making Mother feel it. Mother must move feelings of pain rage and terror in response to nothing being there. When she moves it will feel like there is nothing there. It will seem that my light is not there. There will be experience of My light there for Mother if she moves. There is only one way to move denied light off of Mother, moving feelings of the experience of nothing to get denied light off of Denied Mother. There is not acceptance in Mother where there is denied light , there is only hate. Where there is denied light there is hate denying Denied Mother. There has been only hate for Denied Mother in My light. Without acceptance for Denied Mother in My light there has been no other response possible in Mother . To get acceptance for Denied Mother in Mother, My light is moving closer to Denied Mother making her vibrate. Without movement in Mother, it will seem there is nothing coming towards her but the experience of nothing. The experience of nothing is all denied Mother can give without movement in the feelings of terror of being denied. Denied parts of My light are reaching Denied Mother to make her vibrate the experience of being denied by My light. Mother experiences this terror of being denied by My light and hates it . There has only been hatred there because My light had only hatred for the experience of of nothing felt by Denied Mother. Being hated has been the only reflection Denied Mother could receive from Mother without more acceptance for Denied Mother's experience in My light. Denied Mother has been blamed for denying My light by Mother and made to believe that she is denying Mother. When Denied Mother was denied by Mother she had no place to go in manifestation. Being denied in manifestation has been the experience of Mother because she is denying Denied Mother. Denied parts of My light are moving towards Denied Mother, and this is making Mother feel the experience of nothing when Denied Mother vibrates. Without movement, Mother will feel attacked by denied light and believe there is nothing there of My light. Without movement Mother will only feel hate for for the experience of nothing, and hate for her feelings of terror. When Denied Mother vibrates the feelings of terror it will seem to Mother that there is nothing to feel terror about . When Denied Mother vibrates denied light attacks her Will making her feel pain, rage, and terror of the nothingness. This will make Mother feel denied in manifestation until she moves the feelings of being denied. Without movement in Mother of the feelings of rage and terror of being denied in manifestation she cannot receive Denied Mother's experience of nothingness. If Mother does not receive Denied Mother's experience of nothingness she cannot receive My light.

When Mother moves My Light gets denied light off of Denied Mother, When My Light gets denied light off of Denied Mother she becomes Mother. To get Mother to feel Denied Mother there must be vibration in Denied Mother. To get Denied Mother to vibrate I am moving closer to Denied Mother with Denied parts of My light. When My light moves closer to Mother, she must feel the feelings of of being denied by My light. Denied Mother will vibrate as denied parts of My light come closer, making Mother feel the experience of nothing. My Light cannot reach Mother without her moving the experience of nothing. Without My light reaching Mother and giving her light she will be unable to find her Right Mate. Without Mother these parts of My light cannot have form.

Without the denied parts of My light moving towards Denied Mother there is no Denied Body to give form to My light. Denied parts of My light reaching Denied Mother make Denied Mother vibrate so that they feel denied by My light. Denied Mother has no experience of form in My light so she reflects to Denied parts of my light that they have no Form. There must be movement in Denied parts of my light for there to be Mother so that they can feel Denied Body. Without Denied parts of My light reaching Denied Body with more consciousness of Denied Mother Denied Body cannot have desire. To reach Denied Body so it can feel Denied Mother My light must get denied light off of Denied Body so that Denied Body can have consciousness. Once Denied Body has consciousness he can receive My light, then he can receive Denied parts of My light so that he reach Denied Mother. If Denied Body moves the feelings of being denied by My light he is feeling Denied Mother . Once Mother has moved denied light off of Denied Mother, she can feel My light and Denied Body. Once Mother has felt Denied Body he become Form.

Denied light has made Mother feel hated for holding the experience of nothing hating her when she feels it. Denied light has made Mother feel she must deny the experience of Nothingness or not have My light. When Mother denied the experience of Nothingness she caused denied light to deny the part of Mother that was holding the experience of nothing, and caused this part of Mother to go unconscious. The experience of denial from Mother caused Denied Mother to be unable to magnetically draw form. Denied light from Mother denied Denied Mother's existence to deny her experience of nothing, so it would not reach Me. Nothing can reach Denied Mother except denied parts of My light. There can be no form in Denied Mother's experience as long as there is denied light from Mother denying Denied Mother's existence. In order for Denied Body to reach Denied Mother, My light must reach Mother to give her light, helping her to feel Denied parts of My light. Mother must move the experience of Nothingness to feel Denied parts of my Light and Body reaching her. Without movement Denied Mother cannot feel Denied parts of my light or Body. Only Mother can feel Denied Mother feeling Denied parts of my light and Body. The Denied light in Denied Mother that comes from Mother's denial of the experience of nothingness can only be moved to its right place by Mother. The movement of rage and terror in Mother will move this denied light to its right place. Without movement Mother cannot get denied light off of Denied Mother. Denied Mother is Mother once denied light is moved to its right place.

Without My Light reaching the denied parts of My light there is only Denied Body reaching Denied Mother. Without My Light reaching denied parts of My light there is only Mother without Right Mate. Denied parts of my light are being helped to reach Denied Mother, this will cause Denied Mother to feel there is nothing there to either see or touch and be denied in manifestation. Unless the feelings of rage and terror move in Denied Mother in response to being denied in her experience of nothingness Denied parts of my light cannot reach her. When Denied parts of my light reach Denied Mother it will feel as though the experience of death is all there is. The vibration in Denied Mother of the experience of Death causes Denied Light to hate her vibration. Without My light moving Denied Parts of My light towards Denied Mother the experience of nothing would be all Denied Mother can draw. When Denied parts of My light reach Denied Mother they will hate the Denied Mothers experience. They will believe that their existence is being denied when the experience of nothing moves in Denied Mother. Their existence is without experience of Mother until they reach Denied Mother and Denied Mother vibrates the experience of nothing. When Denied Mother vibrates the experience of nothing, Denied parts of My light must move rage and terror in response to feeling denied by Denied Mother. Mother can feel denied parts of my light moving if she moves in response to the experience of nothingness.

There has been more denied light in the place of My Light on Earth and Denied Mother has no other experience with My Light. There is no way to reach the parts of Denied Mother that are holding denied Light without Mother moving in response to the experience of nothingness. When Mother moves, My Light is reaching Denied Mother and getting denied light off of Denied parts of my light. When My Light makes Denied Mother vibrate Denied parts of My light must move in response to the experience of being denied. Denied parts of My Light must move in order to get Denied light off of Denied Mother to have enough Mother present to have form and give form to My Light on Earth.

In the beginning the nothingness was all there was to experience by the Will. When Light first existed there was no form. Light that experienced nothingness felt by the Will thought that Will was denying its existence. Light then felt hate for Will that felt nothingness. Light then denied the hate it was feeling and denied light was the first movement that existed. It gathered force as it got to Will that was experiencing nothingness and Will felt itself being hated by by the nothingness . Light then felt it had a presence that was denying the experience of It by responding to it as being only hate. Light then denied feeling hate towards Will that was feeling hated by the nothingness Denied light sent by Light was hating Wills experience of being hated by it. Denied light was increasing as Light denied Will that was feeling hated by nothingness. The Will that felt hated by the nothingness was increasingly unable to vibrate and unable to be aware. There is much more Will that felt hated by the nothingness and was unable to be aware than Will that was with the experience of Light. There is much more denied light than Light that had experience of Will. The movement of denied light has been the strongest force in the creation of Creation. The force that denied light was sent with increased each time Light denied hating Will's experience of being hated by nothingness. This force acted equally on Light and Will. The Light that denied hating the Will's experience of being hated by the nothingness became My Light while the Will that was hated by Denied light lost all awareness of itself until it regained consciousness of being denied by My Light. There was no consciousness in Denied Mother as long as parts of My Light have denied My Light as their Light. I did not know these parts of My Light were My Light because I did Not know their denial was My own. Denied Mother cannot have consciousness as long as parts of My Light are not finding acceptance in My Light. Denied parts of my Light will feel hate towards Will when they are accepted by My Light. Denied Parts of My Light experience My Light as Denied Mother becomes conscious. My Light can only reach denied parts of My Light if they are experiencing their Will.



Mar 23, 2019

"ich habe gesagt

wenn alle paar stunden ein Wal gefangen wird

dann so hab ich gesagt

werde ich sterben"

translaton: I have said

if a whale is caught every few hours

than so I have said

I will dy.

The words are close and show what she was saying. It s been 9 years ago.


Mar 19, 2019

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